Posted Fri, 01 Apr 2022 07:09:59 GMT by Irina Lazar-Contes
For a couple of our bulk submissions we have received a validation error message due to some corrections that were needed in the uploaded excel. However, if going to the ongoing submission item I can only re-upload the new excel and then "Save & Return". The subsequent "Declaration" and "Submission Form" steps are already filled in and inactive and hence I cannot re-submit this item for activating a new validation cycle. I have attached a print screen of the Submission Form tab.
Given this situation, I am confused about what is meant by submitted again in the Q&A document:  "It has been identified an issue where the submission stays in Ongoing submissions in case of validation errors. If so, the case can be edited from there and submitted again after correcting the errors." -  Does it mean only re-uploading the corrected excel file? Because so far this has not triggered any re-validation for my submissions for which I received validation errors and they are stuck in "In Progress" since some time now.

Thanks a lot in advance for your advice with this issue!
Posted Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:51:42 GMT by Anna Fiodorova
<br> Thank you for your question.<br> We suggest that you upload the Excel file once again. Please refer to recently updated&nbsp;<a href="">Questions and answers on Marketing Status reporting submissions&nbsp;· IRIS (</a> for more frequent mistakes which lead to submission validation issues.<br> If the submission is neither completed, nor you receive validation error email, please follow the guidance provided in the Q&amp;A.

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