Posted Mon, 22 Aug 2022 09:25:10 GMT by Alex Xuereb
Hi, I am trying to register an i-SPOC for my organisation however I am having the same issue as many others have had in that there are no options to select an affiliated organistion in the draft submissions section. I understand that we need to be IRIS Industry Managers for the required organisations, but I have already been granted access as can be seen in screenshot.

Posted Mon, 22 Aug 2022 10:11:20 GMT by Paolo Tomasi EMA
Dear Alex Xuereb, your screenshot does display the affiliation in the EMA Account Management System, however this affiliation has not been propagated to IRIS due to a bug, unfortunately. Please submit a Servicedesk Request to have your account re-synced.

In general, if an affiliation is visible in the EMA Account Management System, but the organisation is not shown when attempting to create a new submission, this suggests that the propagation has failed. The re-sync can be obtained via a request to EMA Servicedesk.

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