Posted Thu, 15 Dec 2022 18:42:09 GMT by Katerina Anna Klegova
Hello, I'd like to ask about the IRIS Industry Coordinator role. I have tried looking for information in both this forum and the IRIS guide for applicants (How to create and submit scientific applications, for industry and individual applicants) Version 2.13 but couldn't find much. 

Info given in EMA account management abut IRIS Industry Coordinator role:  
"You should request this role only if you want to see and edit ALL submissions for the organization to which you are requesting affiliation, created by any other user in the organization. With this affiliation role, you are able to access those submissions, add other managers and change the portal contact (person receiving emails for the submission). This affiliation role by itself does not allow to create new submission (the Industry Manager affiliation role is necessary for that). Please note that this role is optional and should be granted by the IRIS Industry User Admin only if they are aware of the implications. The role may not be suitable for a consultant, who is acting on behalf of the organization."

Is it possible that, having this role, I am not able to add Managers/Contributors and change the Submission Contact for a GMP inspection? Does the Portal Contact still have to do this himself/herself? 

Thank you very much and kind regards,
Katerina Klegova 
Posted Wed, 08 Nov 2023 07:54:27 GMT by Paolo Tomasi EMA
As an Industry Coordinator, you should be able to change the submission contact for a GMP Inspection, and to add Managers/Contributors to it. If this is not the case, please submit a ServiceNow ticket here: IRIS – Report an issue - Employee Center (
Posted Thu, 23 Nov 2023 14:47:05 GMT by Katerina Anna Klegova
thank you for your reply. I posted this question 11 months ago. Back then, the IRIS Industry Coordinator was likely not fully functional yet. I can confirm that in the present, this role works fine for me. 

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