To all IRIS users, and more in general all Industry stakeholders. 

In alignment with the Agency's cloud strategy and the information security strategy, a new IT service management solution called ServiceNow will replace our current tool (Jira), with a target go-live date of 12 September. The first stage of the transition will include the customer portal, IT incidents and IT service requests (IT equipment, applications, audio-visual and virtual meetings), basic configuration management database (CMDB) and the mobile app. From 12 September 2022, Jira will not be any longer available for raising any IT Service request or Incident.

The aim of this improvement is to adapt EMA's processes to the industry best practices and enhance End-user experience, by delivering a more user-oriented service. To familiarize yourself with the new platform, a short Instructional video is available (4 min).

Please follow the link below and enter the password.

Instructional video URL:

Password:                         SNtraining2022!!!

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