The "IRIS Industry User Admin" is needed to approve further role requests from other staff or external consultants who need to act on behalf of an organization involved in submitting applications for EMA scientific procedures. EMA recommends to have at least 2 User Admin per organization.

The first role of "IRIS Industry User Admin" needs to be approved by EMA, but further roles of of "IRIS Industry User Admin", or any other IRIS role, will by approved directly by any existing "IRIS Industry User Admin" for that company. All requests for approval of further roles (affiliation requests to that organization)  will go to all the persons with the "IRIS Industry User Admin" role.

Of note, persons with the "IRIS Industry User Admin" role can not create and submit applications themselves; for this, the "IRIS Industry Manager" role is necessary. A person can have both roles of "IRIS Industry User Admin" and "IRIS Industry Manager".

There is no specific procedure to "transfer" an "IRIS Industry User Admin" role to another person within a company. An additional "IRIS Industry User Admin" can be approved, and then the new "IRIS Industry User Admin" can revoke access to any existing "IRIS Industry User Admin", if appropriate.