This message is to inform all IRIS Industry users about the need to check the “Affiliation” field in the EMA Account Management system, to keep track of their company affiliations and perform updates upon need.  
Below, some instructions on how to proceed.  
Users with the "IRIS Industry User Admin" role for an Organisation should: 
  1. run periodical checks on the list of users that are affiliated to their Organisation, and their roles; 
  1. promptly remove outdated affiliations in case, for example, an employee or affiliated person leaves her/his position, or if an external consultant should not be allowed access anymore.  

This can be done via the EMA Account Management – Manage Access page, that allows to list, export and revoke access for all the users of the Organisation the IRIS User Admin is affiliated to, as shown in the figure attached to this thread. 

We kindly remind you that EMA does not check the affiliation status of users to Organisations, as this responsibility rests with each Organisation.  
Furthermore, we encourage Organisations to implement a standard policy of affiliation removal in their check-out procedures for leavers.  
In case of any questions or issues, please raise a ticket via ServiceNow. If any questions remain, please contact