Public registers & lists

Register of parallel distribution notices
This register provides up-to-date information on parallel distribution notices checked by the European Medicines Agency to be in compliance with the conditions laid down in the EU legislation on medicinal products and in the marketing authorization.
List of registered organizations and their location
This list provides up-to-date information on organizations and their locations registered on EMA's Organization Management Service (OMS) as part of SPOR data management.
List of SMS approved substances
This list presents all substances marked as 'authorized' and 'current' in the SMS and EUTCT databases of EMA, thus imported into IRIS. These substances can therefore be used for any IRIS submission, for example to request a new Research Product Identifier (RPI).
List of Opinions on Orphan Medicinal Product Designation
Orphan medicine designations and amendments for which opinions were adopted by EMA’s Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP) and a Decision issued by the European Commission.
List of signals from Veterinary Signal Management
This list provides access to signals of potential safety, efficacy or environmental issues that are identified during post-authorisation monitoring of veterinary medicinal products authorised in the EU/EEA in line with Article 75 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.
Register Art. 35 of Paediatric Regulation
Public register of products that have benefited from the incentives of the Paediatric Regulation, subsequently withdrawn from the market.
PIP/waiver and Art. 33 Register
Public register of Waivers and Paediatric Investigation Plans, including deadlines for placing the product on the market as per Art. 33 of the Paediatric Regulation