Thank you for this info.
This time the video is private - for the last system demos the vidoes are public.
Could you please advise if the video will be made available as public?
For single marketing status notifications we enter proposed changes and receive an green mark.
When we view the proposed changes: the changes are displayed.
However, after viewing the green mark for "Register Marketing Status" is gone and all changes are gone!
No declaration or submission possible.
We have to re-enter all changes to be able to submit.
Therefore, we advise our users not to use the "View Proposed Marketing Status" feature.
This issue has been reported via ServiceNow about a month ago (Incident INC0014127) - no response received.
Please advise if this is a bug or what we can do.
Yes, more than one coordinator for an organisation is possible!
In the "Marketing Status Report" under "Products" the status "No data provided" can be selected.
In IRIS guide for applicants this status "No data provided" is not mentioned.
Are there plans to provide a definition of this status with future updates of the guide?
Again, I need your advice. The synchronisation issue is also with the new feature: ORGs are requested via "Request Access for organisations" instead of "Manage my Access" they are not synchronised.
Service Desk tickets are closed without synchronisation of those ORGs. Should I requests the IRIS Industry Manager role for these 20 ORGs using "Manage my Access"?
Dear IRIS users, thank you for your feedback. The synchronisation issue is also with the new feature: ORGs are requested via "Request Access for organisations" instead of "Manage my Access" they are not synchronised. My account had been synchronsied by Service Desk, but not those ORGs. I am still hoping that Service Desk Team can also solve this issue.
Dear IRIS users
new IRIS users in my company cannot log-in in IRIS, although they have an IRIS Industry Manager Role and and an EMA Microsoft account.
They receive 2 error messages "Registration is disabled" and "Invalid sign-in attempt".
The new users have asked EMA Service Desk, but until now SD could not help.
I would like to clarify if this is a company specific issue:
Do you have similar experience in your companies?
Many thanks in advance,
kind regards, Susanne
Thank you for this good news.
This is a feature industry has been waiting for.
I immediately tried it out – and it works. If a colleague will be unexpectedly unavailable I, as a coordinator, can add a different manager to a draft submission - perfect!
Kind regards,
can I use the new function in IAM "Request Access for Organization"?
My colleague used this feature to request "IRIS Industry Manager" role for many organisations - the roles are not yet approved.
Kind regards, Susanne
Thank you for your fast response.
I have the IRIS Industry Manager role for 5 organisations.
I added 2 organisations on 18.8. to check if the role must be manager or coordinator.
Until today I cannot see the 2 additional organisations I am affliated to.
What can I do?
Kind regards, Susanne